

Read 15 Foundation

Read15 provides children and families opportunities to develop championship attitudes through sports, academics and community involvement. “I am all for doing whatever we can to encourage reading for young and old, even if it is just 15 minutes a day.” For every exciting moment, Joe Maddon facilitates…


Rx Coach

Get 1-on-1 Coaching and Score Higher. Individual tutoring for med students preparing for the USMLE, COMLEX, and medical school exams. From the most reputable name in medical education.

Landing page of the walking school bus

The Walking School Bus

Everyday, over half a million students in South Africa alone walk over 10 kilometres to attain an education. These students walk through some of the most unforgiving terrain in pursuit of higher education. What is most alarming is that once these students have journeyed to…

Home Page of Learning Seeds

Learning Seeds

Learning Seeds was established in June 1995. Since then we worked to construct a conducive learning environment and curriculum to meet the individual needs and interests of every child. Since 2004, we have also ventured overseas to Western Australia. We believe our educational programme can…